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  1. Dairy-Free Mozzarella Sticks - Daiya Foods

  2. Daiya Foods

  3. Daiya, Dairy Free Mozzarella Style Vegan Cheese …

    Mild, Milky, And Oh-So-Fresh, Our Mozzarella Style Dairy Free Cheese Shreds Give Vegan Cheese Lovers The Perfect Melt Every Time. Perfect For Pizzas, Pastas, Salads And Snacks, Our Shredded Vegan Mozzarella Cheese Is Made With Chickpea And Free From Dairy, Gluten And Soy. Help others learn more about …

  4. Daiya Dairy-Free Mozzarella Shreds | VeganCheese.co

  5. Daiya Dairy-Free Mozzarella Style Cheese Shreds

    Mild, milky, and buttery, Daiya dairy free mozzarella cheese shreds give you the perfect melt every time. Sprinkle them on homemade pizza, saucy pasta or a meatball sub. These classic shreds are more like dairy than ever before - a velvety melt, smooth texture and cheesy flavor, with none of the compromise.

  6. Daiya Cheese Sticks Review (+ Is Daiya Cheese Healthy ...

  7. Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds Vegan Cheese Review

    Overall, Daiya mozzarella vegan cheese shreds tastes enough like cheese for even omnivores just as long as you don’t use a large portion that makes it extra sticky and totally takes away the cheese quality.

  8. Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds Cheese, 8 oz

    Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds are a delicious cheese alternative, that are made without any of the common allergens. It delivers a delicious taste and even melts and stretches! Why not try it on your next lasagna or nachos?

  9. REVIEW: Daiya Mozzarella Style Shreds (Vegan)

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