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  2. 5 Great Chess Books For Beginners

    • Selected by IM Daniel Rensch. Author Dave Schloss describes Chess 101as a self-contained beginner’s chess course. The book offers everything a complete beginner would need to know to play the game, f… さらに表示

    Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer and Stuart Margulies

    Selected by IM Daniel Rensch. This paperback, also recommended by IM Rensch, is one of the best-selling chess books of all time. Fischer’s beginner book focuses o… さらに表示

    Winning Chess Strategies For Kids by Jeff Coakley

    Selected by FM Mike Klein. Designed for children 7 to 13 years old, Winning Chess Strategyis part of a series of beginner workbooks by Jeff Coakley. The workbook starts wit… さらに表示

    The Steps Method by Rob Brunia and Cor Van Wijgerden

    Selected by CM Peter Doggers. The Steps Methodis really a full beginner’s chess course, featuring six training manuals and 20 workbooks. The course and books were developed … さらに表示

  1. Some of the best chess books for beginners are12:
    • Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer. This book teaches the basics of chess through puzzles and diagrams.
    • Chess Fundamentals by Jose Raul Capablanca. This book covers the essential principles of chess, such as openings, endgames, and tactics.
    • Chess For Dummies by James Eade. This book is a comprehensive guide to chess rules, strategies, and etiquette.
    • Modern Chess Openings by Nick De Firmian. This book provides an overview of the most common chess openings and their variations.
    • Simple Checkmates by A.J Gillam. This book contains hundreds of exercises to practice checkmate patterns and techniques.

    1) Modern Chess Openings By Nick De Firmian 2) Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess By Fischer and Stuart Margulies 3) Chess Fundamentals By Jose Raul Capablanca 4) Simple Checkmates By A.J Gillam 5) Chess For Dummies By...


    Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer How to Reassess Your Chess by Jeremy Silman My System by Aron Nimzowitsch Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 by David Bronstein My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby...

  2. 10 Best chess books for beginners

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