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  1. 「無料・有料」2Dアニメーション作成ソフト9本|初心者から ...

  2. Live2D Cubism | イラストに命が宿る感動を - 描かれた「絵」その ...

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
  4. Free 2D Animation software [For Beginners]

    Animaker is a powerful and simple online 2D animation software that lets you create videos with animated templates, characters, music and more. You can customize your scenes, animate your assets, add audio tracks and share your videos on social media for free.

  5. Pivot Animator

    Bring your figures to life by creating a sequence of animation frames. Share your animations by exporting them as animated Gifs or as videos to upload to YouTube. With practice and patience the possibilities are limitless. Even create photo-realistic animations from images. Several useful new features have been …

  6. Pencil2Dアニメーションは、開発者のMatthew Changと彼のチームによって作られたオープンソースの2Dアニメーションソフトウェアです。このソフトウェアは年々進化しており、初心者向けにビットマップとベクターグラフィックスを使用して印象的な2Dアニメーションを作成する能力を提供します。軽量かつ使いやすいツールであり、手描きアニメーションを簡単に作成...
  7. Animation Maker - Brush Ninja

    2023年5月30日 · Brush Ninja is a web-based platform that lets you create animated GIFs with various drawing and painting tools. You can draw frame by frame, add sound, import images, and learn from tutorials and examples.

  8. 自由な 2D アニメーション制作ソフト | Cartoon …

    Cartoon Animator は、簡単に 2D アニメーションを作成できる高機能ソフトです。多様なツールで初心者からプロまで対応し、自由な作品制作を実現します。

  9. 2D アニメーション作成ソフトウェアのベスト 10 - Mango Animate

  10. Synfig – Free and open-source animation software

    Synfig Studio is a powerful tool for creating film-quality animation using vector and bitmap artwork. It offers features such as vector tweening, layers, filters, bones, advanced controls and more.

  11. OpenToonz

    OpenToonz is a software for the production of 2D animation, based on the customized version of Toonz used by Studio Ghibli. It is free of charge, open source, and has unique features such as the scanning tool GTS and the effects plug-in SDK.

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