A young man, who is being transported on a gurney to the emergency room, finds himself taking a very different journey, in this hilarious and sometimes excruciating video providing a spectacle of ...
The new luxury food and beverage flagship range for Harvey Nichols. Featuring nearly 300 pieces of packaging, Pleasurama is a heady mix of hedonism: a joyful riot of colour, texture and of course, a ...
Attract 18-26-year-olds to Adobe by integrating the brand into their cultural interests, making it relevant to their creative passions. Revolutionize tutorials with engaging content and celebrity ...
Social media are overflowing with millions of similar-looking travel photographs. To support Gen Zers in their desire to stand out, Adobe has made Adobe Express their main creative companion when they ...
Concerts are wonderful shared experiences that create special memories, they’re an important part in the lives of Gen Zers. But sometimes it’s hard to find friends to go with, or have any friends that ...
Our future looks bright, but not in the way we expected. 83% of people live under light-polluted skies, affecting sleep and mental health, and making stargazing an endangered activity. 'Heineken Dark ...
D&AD Masterclasses power up careers and future proof businesses by focussing on the creative skills of tomorrow taught by the stars of today.
The Living Portrait of NYC – Eight Million Journeys is a large-format animated data visualisation exploring data behind life in the Big Apple.
D&AD Masterclasses power up careers and future proof businesses by focussing on the creative skills of tomorrow taught by the stars of today.
#ClassifyConsent is a campaign for the first-ever classification to identify the lack of consent on screen. Non-consensual acts appear in some of our favourite films and shows in moments that are ...
With a cardiac arrest the first six minutes are crucial. But on average ambulances take nine minutes. The concept: equip Volvos with an AED, train drivers on resuscitation and contribute to a better ...
Film festivals often feel inaccessible to the general public. To make people from all walks of life feel welcome, a contextual OOH campaign was created using short screenplays to narrate the everyday ...