they set out to test one of the founding principles of homeopathy. Homeopaths believe that like should be treated with like. So, for example, to treat a cold they use a remedy based on onions ...
Homeopathy is often misunderstood as a natural remedy, akin to a type of herbalism. The marketing and labeling of these “remedies” encourages this perception, often describing homeopathy as a “gentle” ...
Hahnemann University’s long history began in 1848 with the founding of the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. The institution evolved in many ways, first as the Hahnemann Medical College of ...
Vial containing pills of Silicea 200 K, a homoeopathic remedy prepared for Drs Sachindra and Bhawisha Joshi, Mumbai, India 2005. Vial containing pills of Silicea 200 K, a homoeopathic remedy prepared ...