デジタル機器の技術革新は相変わらず目まぐるしいですが、そんな中でもインターレース動画というのはなぜか今も生き残ってきているようです。1080iと720pと言われると、何となく数字の大きい1080iの方が高画質のように思えてしまうかもしれませんが、実 ...
this might not be the right time to invest in a 4K TV. And on top of that, there’s still hardly any 4K content available to watch, so for now, 1080p is really all the resolution you need.
Related: 720p vs. 1080i vs. 1080p With 1,920 pixels ... If you input a signal into a 1080p TV that has a resolution of less ...
Related: 720p vs. 1080i vs. 1080p With 1,920 pixels ... If you input a signal into a 1080p TV that has a resolution of less than 1080p, the TV processes that signal so that it displays the image ...