The new lines would replace a network constructed in 1909 and 1920 with pipes that range from 4 inches to 12 inches in ...
A 500-year storm in 2023 disproportionately flooded two Ypsilanti-area neighborhoods. A study revealed why and charts a path forward.
The Great Lakes Water Authority board approved a water rate hike of 5.9% and a sewer rate increase of 4.5% starting July 1.
A new sewer line is causing a big stink between Surfside and its ultra-wealthy neighbor, Indian Creek Village.
The pipe that carries 8 millions of water each day to the island will have to be relocated before construction starts on the U.S. 278 corridor project.
A secondary break in a 6-inch Detroit Water and Sewage Department line is affecting additional homes in southwest Detroit ...
Crews were busy Tuesday replacing the sewer lines near Dogwood Avenue. Mayor Bo Ruffin said all of these projects will total ...