Discover how to optimize vitamin D intake through strategic sun exposure while safeguarding your skin against UV damage with these 7 expert-backed methods.
Major study finds specific combination of vitamin D, omega-3s and strength training reduces biological age and slashes cancer ...
As noted above, omega-3s, vitamin D and exercise are the most powerful when combined. In fact, the study found that taking ...
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids—an essential fat the body does not produce—has long been recommended for boosting the health of ...
Could the secret to a longer life live in your vitamin That’s what the authors of a recent study published in the journal ...
A study has uncovered that a common nutrient may slow biological ageing, when combined with vitamin D and exercise.
Vitamin D is well known for keeping bones strong, but new research suggests it also plays a role in brain health. A recent ...
and/or a vitamin D supplement (2,000 international units, or IU, per day) and/or strength training at home (30 minutes for three days per week). Researchers then analyzed blood samples from the ...
Vitamin D supplementation shows no significant effect on acute respiratory infections overall, but children and daily low ...
Osteoporosis Canada recommends 400 to 2,000 IU for adults at risk of osteoporosis ... and those with limited sunlight exposure may benefit from taking a vitamin D supplement to maintain adequate ...