Just before the days where every high school student had a cell phone, everyone in class had a TI graphing calculator. In some ways this was better than a cell phone: If you wanted to play ...
You can leave the TI graphing calculator at home thanks to this web-based TI-83 and TI-84 emulator. As with pretty much all emulators, this depends on a ROM image from the actual hardware to work.
A web based TI-84 Calculator Simulator, I wanted a replica simulation of a TI-84 calculator I own so the world can use it when the actual physical calculator disappears from shelves. I used an image ...
A "port" of the classic game DooM to the TI-84 CE, written in pure C. Use the numberpad to move and rotate the camera, and 2nd to quit the game. Up and down change the FOV, while left and right change ...