One of them is light therapy. Whether you suffer from SAD or just need a mood booster in these crazy times, check out the ...
The therapy lamp market is crowded with all types of products. There are certain things to take note of when choosing to ...
Counselling psychologist Niamh Delmar shares her advice to coping with SAD. It is that time of year when the days get shorter ...
Luckily there are things you can do to help offset the symptoms. They include getting a good night's sleep, exercise, talk ...
As the winter skies become gray and cloud-covered, the winds blow, snow grows by the foot, and the temperatures dip in this two-peninsula state, a portion of Michigan’s 10 million residents face ...
Light therapy is a method of coping with SAD that involves sitting in front of a light box for half an hour a day in order to activate your hypothalamus and restore your circadian rhythm. The light ...
We chatted with Dr. Fenkel and other experts to round up the best gear for SAD to help you feel your best. We're talking light boxes and more, blankets, and more. Here's a list of the picks you'll ...