Mike Shapiro, who voiced the mysterious G-Man in the Half-Life games, has released an ominous video celebrating the arrival of the new year. In it, he teases new surprises coming in 2025 ...
Half-Life, Valve’s original FPS classic, isn’t short on horror. This, after all, is a game where your fellow scientists get by skull-piercing headcrabs, turned into virtual zombies.
In 2019, more games flowed between PC and other… Advertisement Re-live the groundbreaking, critically acclaimed Half-Life 2 like never before, reimagined with RTX Remix. Featuring full ray ...
Valve could finally be giving us a Half-Life 3. According to one source, the game is currently being playtested, and we could see an official reveal in 2025. Before the release of Half-Life ...
There was chatter of a Half-Life 3 reveal at The Game Awards 2024, which obviously didn’t happen, but some fans are now thinking an announcement will happen later this year thanks to the actor ...
Until this week, the latest news on Half-Life 3 was that Valve had canceled several iterations of the game, which was revealed in a news tidbit in the Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Documentary ...
Valve releases a new patch for Half-Life 2 that fixes some issues with the game and removes something that the last major update added to the game.
Until Valve formally announces a new Half-Life game, though, it’s best to be hesitant with all of these rumors and leaks. We’ve expected Half-Life 3 to launch countless times over the years ...
Now, actor Mike Shapiro, who voices the enigmatic G-Man in the Half-Life games, has shared a cryptic New Year's message on X that has some fans speculating that Half-Life 3 could finally arrive ...