Marie Toft, the CEO and co-founder of Emotionise AI, discusses the Cork company’s products, challenges and hopes.
What Is Your Emotional Intelligence? People high in emotional intelligence — also referred to as high EQ or emotional quotient — have a healthy capacity for coping; they regulate their ...
Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is generally said to include a few skills ...
I cover positive change for individuals and organizations. Wellbeing and emotional intelligence are part of the puzzle to build a thriving organization, however, the glue to keeping everything in ...
This tool already exists – it's called Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ). There are many definitions of Emotional Intelligence, but broadly EI is the ability to identify, use, understand ...
A man who researchers refer to as “Patient X” was a medical mystery. He suffered two strokes, which severed the connection between his eyes and brain. So even though his eyes were perfectly ...
As an expert in emotional intelligence, I believe the ability to understand our emotions and successfully navigate the wide range of emotions of others is crucial to developing good working ...