Follow along for all of the details. For anyone who is having problems with their Xbox 360 power supply, or who (like me) have managed to end up with a burnt out PSU and can’t get a replacement ...
Victor Sanchez, a popular YouTuber in the world of tech and gaming and an Xbox enthusiast, has taken the matter into his own ...
No, the game itself is not on the disk, but it does serve a purpose, According to Mega, it can be placed inside the Xbox 360 to activate the "motherboard" of the console. It makes sense that Mega ...
The board that drives the Xbox 360’s status light ring also includes ... cable and is treated much like a USB device by the Xbox motherboard. The problem is that it won’t actually handle ...
The Mega Microsoft Xbox 360 Replica Building Toy Kit With Lights ... Inserting the disk into the drive will then activate the motherboard and light things up. The model itself is 3:4 scale ...