Ready to help your little ones explore the big world of emotions? These fun and engaging feelings activities for kids are ...
As we grow up, we become more skilled in understanding emotions. Instead of just reacting like little kids do, we can identify what we feel and put it into words. With time and practice, we get better ...
For a young child, every day brings new experiences and challenges, and there’s a lot you can do to help them understand the feelings that come along with those. These practical ideas from ...
Parents who are frustrated may often vent their anger on the child. Single parenting burnout is a state of physical, ...
People who are skilled at understanding others imagine another person's feelings ("I think he'll feel awful if I say that to him"). They are able to relate to how that person reacts to things ("Oh, I ...
For your children, you are all of these things rolled into one, and you, safe space extraordinaire, are going to hear about all the big, tough feelings and bear the brunt of their moods.
Emotions are a complex thing and you can imagine how challenging it is for children. They’re still trying to understand themselves and may not know what to do with their feelings. This is where ...