Commentating on your own feelings day to day can be a great way of helping children to label and understand feelings. This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript ...
Emotions are a complex thing and you can imagine how challenging it is for children. They’re still trying to understand themselves and may not know what to do with their feelings. This is where ...
In the RTÉjr show Bellie and Whizz Minding Me, we meet lovable forest puppets, Bellie the badger and Whizz the hare. They help to teach young children how to identify and manage their emotions.
Children may experience jealousy when they're distressed by an actual, imagined, or threatened loss of attention. Learn how ...
The experience of being ill is also different for kids, and each age group has a different understanding of "being sick." As a parent, it helps to know what your child is thinking and feeling when ...
As families in the Hamilton School District grieve the death of 5-year-old Finn Katona, it's important to give children the ...
children, and couples using psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy. By listening to people and paying attention to what develops, I collaboratively assist them to understand feelings ...