The aPS3e PS3 emulator and its developer have disappeared from GitHub, possibly because of copyright and licensing issues.
それでは、PS3本体を高価格で売れる買取業者12個をご紹介します。 PS3は需要が少なくなってきており、レトロゲーム買取業者以外では高値を付け ...
Downloading and installing the PlayStation 3 software update will update your PS3 operating system to include the latest security patches, settings, features and other items. We encourage you to ...
MSN による配信4月
Rockstar veteran says Red Dead Redemption's PS3 version was "very hard and time-consuming ...This means the hardware was hidden behind a layer of software. This made it easy to write for the 360. "To get good performance out of the PS3, the developer would have to get very low level.