iPhoneに搭載されている近距離無線通信(NFC)チップを用いた決済機能は、長らく「Apple Pay」ならびに「ウォレット」のみで許可されていましたが ...
When [Unethical Info] was looking at air purifiers a while back, their eye fell on a Xiaomi 4 Pro, with a purchase quickly made. Fast-forward a while and suddenly the LCD on top of the device was ...
This project demonstrates reading NFC tags using Apache Cordova and phonegap-nfc. This is an Ionic Framework version 1 port of phonegap-nfc-reader. Your computer ...
The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation compelled Apple to grant developers greater access to the iPhone’s NFC reader, and this change was implemented earlier this ...
For software, you need to have an NFC or RFID SDK, which is a set of tools and libraries that enable you to program and control the readers and tags. You also need to have an NFC or RFID app ...