The EEMB concentration is intended for students who wish to focus their studies in the subdisciplines of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology. It retains requirements for Group 1, Group 2, and Group ...
Science Discovery’s Marine Biology program is designed to supplement existing classroom study of oceans and their inhabitants. This program can be used to “kick off” a unit on this subject or as a ...
Students are expected to begin their MS portion of the program in the academic term immediately following the completion of their undergraduate degree. Requirements for completing the CONTIGUOUS MS ...
A scholastic average of B or better (3.0) in upper-division courses ... admissible if they satisfy the requirements of the physical oceanography, geophysics, or marine chemistry and geochemistry ...
This course examines the biology and ecology of marine ecosystems, emphasizing those occurring in tropical regions such as coral reefs. The course also covers how these ecosystems are changing and the ...
Undergraduate students can take a specific cluster of courses that align with one of our tracks: Marine Science, or Molecular Biology. This personalized and targeted approach allows our students to ...
Biology (BIOL) and marine biology (MARI ... MARI credit-hour requirements with 3000- and 4000-level MARI and MARI-equivalent courses. There is some variation in requirements for the different degree ...
Interested in completing an Honours in Biology or Marine Biology? More details about the program, including information about the academic requirements for admission to Honours, and other specifics ...
An introduction to Marine Biology - the scientific study of life in the sea. First principles of marine biology from history of Marine Biology to use of the sea as a fundamental resource. Studying the ...