Journaling can help you feel less anxiety and feel more confident. Here are some journaling prompts for mental health for inspiration. Mental health has become a popular topic on the internet, ...
If you’re not sure what to write, check out the journaling prompts for mental health below for some inspiration. Benefits of Journaling for Mental Health Writing out your feelings can have so ...
Deze prompts geven je een richting tijdens het schrijven. Meer prompts nodig? Typ in 'journal prompts' op Pinterest en je krijgt een hele lijst met inspiratie. Maak het leuker: Schaf een mooi ...
Shaheen — a lifelong journaler who keeps different notebooks for topics like productivity, focus, and dreaming and ...
Do you want to start journaling but you’re not quite sure ... Johnson says: “Being creative is a must for our mental health management. It helps us to process our emotions in a clearer and ...