Initially, Kazuki Yao stepped down from his other roles in One Piece, such as the character of Jango. Luffy is One Piece's ...
He was already the voice actor of the secondary antagonist Jango in the early arcs of One Piece. Jango would become a recurring character throughout the series, with Yao continuing to provide his ...
Ever since Kazuki Yao left as the voice of Franky in One Piece, fans have been eagerly anticipating the news of his ...
Our heroes got involved when one of the Marines recognized Luffy from the wanted poster. And they end up getting chased as well. Soon Jango steals the spotlight of the dance carnival and uses his ...
After voicing beloved One Piece characters such as Franky, Bon Clay, and Jango for over two decades, Kazuki Yao announced earlier this month that he would be stepping down from the Sunny and his ...
also had another role he had voiced Jango, taken over by another actor, Wataru Takagi. However, Yao was not the only voice actor to exit the One Piece anime world this year. Tessho Genda ...