A third effective strategy for teaching revision and editing is to scaffold the skills for your students. You can use different types of scaffolding, such as prompts, questions, examples ...
Luckily, there are many successful examples of academic courses that incorporate–or even prioritize–active learning strategies at scale. Here are a few popular strategies for introducing active ...
Effective teaching involves recognizing and overcoming our expert blind spots. We are not our students! As experts, we tend to access and apply knowledge automatically and unconsciously (e.g., make ...
Looking separately at the roles of the teacher, the students, and the students' peers, we find that research suggests that effective assessment can be based on the following five "key strategies": ...
Opportunities: Factors that you can change to improve your course. For example, your knowledge of effective teaching strategies. Considering situational factors at the start of the design process can ...
but your instructional strategies focus entirely on summarizing the arguments of different authors. Consequently, students do not learn or practice the skills of comparison and evaluation that will be ...
Your beliefs about teaching and learning influence ... are as an instructor and your preferred approaches and strategies will have profound impacts on how you design your course and how your students ...