From printable tools like emotions wheels and card games to hands-on crafts such as paper plate masks and sensory bottles, each resource offers unique ways to teach kids about feelings ...
Talking openly with children about how they feel and why, enables them to start recognising and understanding different emotions. Managing your feelings is tough work for adults let alone young ...
As children’s emotions develop, there are bound to be ups and downs for both them and you as a parent. What makes it difficult is that they take time to be able to both understand and express ...
The Geneva Emotion Wheel (GEW) is a theoretically derived and empirically tested instrument to measure emotional reactions to objects, events, and situations. The respondent is asked to indicate the ...
This is a gap that can be plugged by the “wheel of emotions.” Developed by psychologist Robert Plutchik, this tool categorizes emotions into primary and secondary groups, and is presented in a ...
I often use these emotion wheels with my two children as part of teaching them to identify their emotions. My wife and I believe this helps them develop better coping and communication skills.
Emotional resilience is a key life skill for children, helping them face life's challenges and setbacks with positivity and strength. Positive affirmation workshops provide a fun and structured ...