Bovine colostrum is a rich source of growth factors and is marketed as a health food supplement. AIMS To examine whether spray dried, defatted colostrum or milk preparations could reduce ...
The latest celebrity supplement craze is not backed up by scientific evidence, according to nutrition scientist Professor Tim Spector.
I swear, you can slap the label of "superfood" onto pretty much anything, add some crunchy granola influencer marketing, and ...
Colostrum, the mare’s first milk, provides foals the antibodies and nutrients they need to stay healthy. You can monitor the antibody levels in a foals blood through tests. If a foal doesn’t receive ...
A trend in aiming to boost one’s immune function and gastrointestinal health is to purchase packets of powdered bovine colostrum, and to add the powder as a supplement to one’s diet.
One of the latest health crazes to take off on TikTok isn't some exotic ingredient from a plant you've never heard of — instead, it's derived from milk. Colostrum has gained popularity over the ...
The rise of bovine colostrum has also contributed to the growing trend. In fact, according to an industry report, the colostrum market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR ...