Credit card swipe fees, which are among the highest operating costs for retailers, are taking a bite out of household budgets, according to industry experts. When a credit or debit card is used, banks ...
“Every year, 3% of all of our sales is washed away just to credit card processing,” he said. Merchants have long shouldered these “swipe fees,” the catchall term for businesses’ payments ...
Outstanding credit card and other revolving debt decreased $13.7 billion, the most since early in the pandemic, after surging ...
Visa and Mastercard are raking in billions in swipe fees while small businesses and consumers pay the price. We need the Credit Card Competition Act.
The convenience of cashless payments comes at an increasingly hefty price for small business owners. For many restaurant operators, rent is one of the top monthly expenses. But for Jordan Rubin, the ...
If you lose your key or your swipe card isn't working, please report it as soon as possible, so we can fix the problem (and, for lost keys, change your locks if needed). Locked Out? Any resident ...
Many small businesses are breathing a bit easier as inflation has cooled and the race for workers slows. But consumers’ steady embrace of credit cards is taking a growing bite out of their margins.