キヤノンの新型カメラ「EOS RC」の噂。 EOS RCEOS RシリーズRFマウントRFレンズフルサイズフルサイズミラーレスミラーレス A Canon EOS RC is coming in 2025 Canon Rumors ...
Rumors are circulating that Canon is working on a new handheld cinema-like camera designed to compete with Sony's FX series – ...
So, while I'll mix my metaphors and advise that you still take things with a healthy dose of salt, today's camera rumors are more accurate than ever. Here's the latest gossip from around the imaging ...
Rumors are circulating that Canon is working on a new handheld cinema-like camera designed to compete with Sony's FX series – and if the speculation is true, it could be a game-changer for creators.
So, what about the new Canon designs? As revealed by Canon Rumors, the company has patented a pair of body cap optics: the Canon RF 21mm f/5.6 and the Canon RF 23mm f/8. According to the site, the ...