The decades-long video game series has spawned countless spin-offs, sequels, remakes, and addendums over the years. But which are the best? That's the question we sought to answer with a little ...
Pokemon titles like Pokemon Quest and Detective Pikachu Returns provide unique and charming experiences for players to enjoy.
The Pokémon Company The games were packed with bugs and glitches, some large and some small, and performance was rocky at best. They nominally target 30fps, but only reach that under very ...
then you might want to check out the 3DS and our Pokémon games that are about ten times better than this! But Nintendo’s shortsightedness is Adult Swim’s gain. Pocket Mortys is the best ...
In fact, it's so good that it was later re-released on the Nintendo 3DS and was part of ... if not one of the best Mario games. The legend that is Pokemon began here, and some still consider ...
The last player holding out on the shuttered Nintendo Network finally falls, signaling the true end of the online services for 3DS and Wii U systems. Pokemon developer Game Freak was the victim of ...
Not counting the Pokedex or Dream Radar apps, there were thirteen Pokemon games on the 3DS. Together with its hybrid ... As a ...