「鉄拳8」が「Best Fighting Game」を受賞! 世界中のビデオゲーム業界における創造性や技術の卓越性を評価する世界最大級のゲーム表彰式典である。
But some of us still love to play PSP games for some good old games maybe using emulators. If you’re feeling the urge to relive those good old days, here are the 18 best fighting games for PSP. The ...
As these games wrestled, jostled, and brawled to stand out in an increasingly crowded space, gamers had no shortage of options when it came to fighters. The shortlisted nominees prove the genre is ...
“上品で下品な欲望”…大人の恋愛群像ドラマってなに? 秘密を覗き見る“背徳感”にハマる…。人間の底知れぬ欲望を優美な映像と巧みな心理 ...
に米国・ロサンゼルスで開催された「The Game Awards 2024」において、当社が手掛ける3D対戦格闘ゲーム『鉄拳8』が「Best Fighting Game」を受賞したこと ...
In what is already a golden age of fighting games, Tekken 8 still managed to massively innovate and stand at the top of the ...
As such, it soon became the main home for 3D fighters and produced some classic games like Tekken 2 and Bloody Roar. Most of its best entries either had ports to other machines or got re-released ...
注目は、「The Game Awards 2024」のBest Fighting Gameにノミネートされた、MARVELとCAPCOMのクロスオーバー作品7タイトルをまとめて楽しめる 『MARVEL vs.