ただ、Lightningケーブルは耐久性に難があり、コネクタ付近のほつれや腐食、接触不良が頻繁に報告されていた。USB-C to ...
7 日
MSN による配信iPhoneの調子が悪いときに試したい「診断モード(Apple Diagnostics ...「最近、iPhoneの調子が悪いけど、修理に出すと料金が高いしなぁ〜」なんて悩んでいる人はいませんか? そのようなときは、Appleが提供する無料の「診断モード(Apple Diagnostics for Self Service ...
MSN による配信28 日
1本でApple WatchもiPhoneも充電。こんな最強ケーブルを求めてたApple Watchユーザーの悩み、それは出張や旅行の際にiPhoneとは別充電ケーブルを持ち歩くことだと思いますが、その問題を解決してくれるケーブル ...
「最近、iPhoneの調子が悪い ... アダプタに接続されているUSB(Lightning)ケーブルを挿して、充電を行いましょう。 Apple Diagnosticsを起動する手順4 ...
For a brief window, there was a time when Apple was leading the way in mobile connectors in the form of its Lightning ...
USB-C brought several advantages over Lightning, including faster data transfer speeds and greater power delivery ...
Every phone in Apple's iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 series has USB-C connectivity (rather than Lightning), so we've split the below charging cables section into two parts accordingly. The best iPhone ...
Unfortunately, Apple didn’t make a first-party USB-A to USB-C cable for this situation. Instead, the company sells a $29 USB-C to Lightning adapter as its official solution. My advice?
Apple’s decision to ditch the proprietary Lightning adaptor from its phones was a huge decision – but as you’ll hear, it had no choice but to move to USB-C. Virtually every new smartphone sold ...
So get ready for Apple’s first non-Lightning iPhone SE with great prices on Apple’s 1m USB-C cable and dual-port charger for $35 Gabriela has focused on tech writing for 12 years, covering ...
If you've been rocking an older iPhone or even an SE for the last few years, the 16e is well worth the upgrade. Here's why.