The 2000s marked a golden age for animated movies. While twentieth-century animation is primarily associated with Disney’s classic hand-drawn era, the 2000s offered films that broke new ground ...
Generally, when making a family movie, there is a metaphorical book, a set of guidelines that filmmakers ought to adhere to so as to be enjoyable for both children and adults ... Ads The creep factor ...
The 2000s marked a golden age for animated movies. While twentieth-century animation is primarily associated with Disney’s classic hand-drawn era, the 2000s offered films that broke new ground ...
Although they made their feature film debut in 2000 with the beloved “Chicken Run,” Aardman Animations goes all the way back to 1972, when Peter Lord and David Sproxton founded the company as ...
Real people! They're live-action, not animated. In fact, when you think back to some of your most cherished movies as a kid, assuming you were a kid before the year 2000 — I bet a lot of them ...