The 2000s marked a golden age for animated movies. While twentieth-century animation is primarily associated with Disney’s classic hand-drawn era, the 2000s offered films that broke new ground ...
A robot who is responsible for cleaning a waste-covered Earth meets another robot and falls in love with her. Together, they set out on a journey that will alter the fate of mankind.
We usually define nostalgia as a longing for the past. While a lot of people tend to dread the future, we also tend to ...
When a cockerel apparently flies into a chicken farm, the chickens see him as an opportunity to escape their evil owners.
Many of the best-reviewed movies of the 2000s are obscure features from far corners of the Earth that earned plenty of awards ...
The 2000s marked a golden age for animated movies. While twentieth-century animation is primarily associated with Disney’s classic hand-drawn era, the 2000s offered films that broke new ground ...
Directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, Shrek is one of the popular animated movies of the 2000s. This fairytale ...
Heck, you didn't necessarily have to be a young buck to appreciate movies from the early 2000s. By and large, it was a simpler time ... Finding Nemo was one of the rare animated films truly made for ...
at the box office among some of the best movies of the 2000s, not all of the movies that scored the biggest box office hauls during the 2000s were a hit with the critics. And that's exactly what ...